Miodosamczek - creamed honey with carob and cinnamon - perfect for breakfast
Creamed honey enriched with taste and properties of carob and cin-
namon that is perfect for sandwiches and desserts. It is also suit-
namon that is perfect for sandwiches and desserts. It is also suit-
able for people with allergies.
Carob (carob tree) – is one of the oldest plants in the world. It has
a number of nutritional values, it tastes like cocoa and can be used
as its replacement. It has 1/3 less calories than chocolate and
has 3 times more calcium! The pods of the carob tree are naturally
a number of nutritional values, it tastes like cocoa and can be used
as its replacement. It has 1/3 less calories than chocolate and
has 3 times more calcium! The pods of the carob tree are naturally
sweet, so the carob has a gentle, sweet, caramel flavor.